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Air Cleaning vs. Fresh Air Ventilation

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     Recently, there has been a lot of talk about introducing more fresh air (read outside air) to replace the indoor air pollution.  Initially, this seems to make sense, since the EPA says that the indoor air is 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air.  Bring in the better air!  What is assumed is not necessarily true.  The outside air is not always clean air.

     Reports around the nation show that up to 35 days per year in our large cities, the air is deemed unhealthy or very unhealthy.  Even in the pristine conditions of Bellaire, Michigan, we have "Ozone Action Days" in which they warn "IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT ACTIVE CHILDREN AND ADULTS... AND PERSONS WITH RESPIRATORY DISEASES SUCH AS ASTHMA... LIMIT PROLONGED OUTDOOR EXERTION."  One more thing to consider, in this new anti-terrorism environment, is airborne chemical and biological attacks.  These applications would most likely be sprayed.  Maybe bringing in that outside air is not such a good idea after all.

Conditioning that outside air
     The other aspect of outside air to be considered is the energy it will take to warm or cool all that air that you were trying to escape by coming inside.  Not to mention the wasted energy of the conditioned air that is being exhausted to make room for that newly introduced air.  There are heat exchangers and energy recovery ventilators to help capture the heat or cold from the exhaust air and help warm or cool the incoming air, but those take energy to operate as well.

Recycle, Reuse Right?
     Cleaning the air, rather than diluting it, can save energy and money.  Operating the Electro Breeze furnace air filter uses pennies per month in energy and the operating cost (replacement pads) is less than $4 per month per 1 inch panel and less than $8 per month per 2 inch panel.  Compare this with the operating cost of heating or cooling 1500 cubic feet of air per minute!  A heat loss calculator will show that you are spending more than $400 per month to introduce that outside air.

Air quality standards
     The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has introduced standards for maintaining an appropriate level of indoor air quality.  The standard is ASHRAE 62 and it is based on the amount of carbon dioxide and body odor in a room to determine the level of indoor air pollution.  The Electro Breeze air cleaners meet all of the filter performance requirements of the ASHRAE 62 standard.  Click here to see how the specifications apply to the ASHRAE Standard 62.  According to the ASHRAE 62.1-2007 Indoor Air Quality procedure, large buildings using a filtration system like the Electro Breeze air cleaners can cut their outside air requirements in half or even to a third.

Click here to see the return on investment of using Electro Breeze air cleaners and how it could generate a payback of two to four years.