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Other brands of polarized media electronic air cleaners

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What are the differences?

     Many of our customers are confused about the differences between the Electro Breeze air cleaner and brands like the Alpine Pure ET air cleaner for Water Furnace geothermal systems, Aeriale air cleaner, Electro Filter air cleaner, Premier One air cleaner and Stealth air cleaner.  With the exception of the Alpine Pure ET for Water Furnace geothermal systems, EarthPure air cleaner for ClimateMaster Geothermal units, Pristine Air air cleaner and Stealth brands, all the others are made by Electro Breeze and branded for other distributors.  That means if you have the Aeriale air cleaner, Electro Filter air cleaner or the Premier One air cleaner, you will use the Electro Breeze replacement media air filter pads in your unit exactly the way you would in the Electro Breeze air cleaner.

     The Alpine Pure ET for Water Furnace geothermal systems, EarthPure air cleaner for ClimateMaster Geothermal units and the Pristine Air air cleaner are made by Dynamic AQS so you will use the Electro Breeze replacement media air filter pads in the Alpine Pure ET for Water Furnace geothermal systems, EarthPure air cleaner for ClimateMaster Geothermal units and the Pristine Air air cleaner the same way as you would in a Dynamic air cleaner.  The performance of the Electro Breeze replacement media air filter pad is the same or better than the Dynamic brand and the customer service is altogether better than you get from Dynamic.


Aeriale air cleaner
Electro Filter air cleaner
PremierOne Pure Flo P6100 air cleaner
P6100 Premium Air Quality air cleaner
Garrison GAR-P6100 air cleaner


Pristine Air air cleaner and Alpine Pure ET air cleaner
for Water Furnace
geothermal systems


EarthPure air cleaner
for Climate Master
geothermal systems

Compare Media air cleaners to the Electro Breeze electronic air cleaner


Order Electro Breeze air cleaners

Order replacement filter pads

Electro-Breeze replacement media air filter pads can also be used in:

Dynamic 1 inch panels P1000
Dynamic 2 inch panels P2000
Dynamic RS2 1400
Dynamic RS3 1400
Dynamic RS2 2400
Dynamic RS3 2400
Dynamic OH1010
Dynamic CT-100
Dynamic CT-500
PureAiRx Air Cleaner
P6100 Premium Air Quality Specialists Air Cleaner

Aeriale Air Cleaner
FreshAire UV PLP
Perfect Air Plus Air Cleaner
SolaceAir Air Cleaner
StratosAire Air Cleaner
SpacePak PurePak AC-RBC-2
SpacePak PurePak AC-RBC-3
SpacePak PurePak AC-RBC-5
PremierOne Pure Flo P6100 Air Cleaner
Pristine Air Air Cleaner
Biologic3 Air Cleaner
Clean Air Defense System AirRanger

Air Ranger Air Cleaner
Electro-Filter Air Cleaner
Garrison GAR-P6100

Green Homes America
Natures Home MicroPower Guard®
Natures Home MicroPower Guard® Diamond
One Hour Xenon MicroPower Guard®
One Hour Xenon MicroPower Guard® Diamond
MicroGuardian AirScrubber® III
AlpinePure ET for the Water Furnace brand geothermal hydronic units
EarthPure air cleaner for the ClimateMaster geothermal units